Physical Address

5106 Whitman Way, Carlsbad, CA 92008

Visions of Jazz Is Evolutionary Document

Jazz is one of modern music’s oldest and most popular scenes and Gary Giddins is one of its biggest fans.

In Visions of Jazz, Gary attempts to explore the history and evolution of jazz in America and the wider-world and it’s an incredible achievement.

Visions of Jazz

Why We Love Visions of Jazz

This is not a small book, it runs at just over 700 pages and we’d say that Gary needed every last one of them to detail the lives and times of all the influences and people in jazz music

All your favorites from Louis Armstrong to Duke Ellington appear inside and he explores how their ground-breaking techniques shaped jazz then and now

He’s not afraid to touch on the populists such as Sinatra and Berlin too even though many jazz purists would be quick to dismiss their work and he establishes their importance to the music too.

If you want a complete history of jazz that omits almost nothing at all, Visions of Jazz is that book and it’s well-written and entertaining too.

You can grab a copy online here.

If you’re looking for other great reads, you could check out our favorite music blogs! And if you want to listen to some jazz, download one of these free music apps!